Looking For A Great Retirement Gift ?





Retirement calls for taking up a hobby to make the best of the newly found spare time.

“Keeping active is not enough, it is important to get out and do something unfamiliar and mentally challenging” lead researcher Dr. Denise Park said in a statement. Fortunately, photography fits those criteria very well for most seniors.

Photography opens up your mind and see things in fine detail. With photography you travel, learn, do mistakes and improve.

Those who stay within their comfort zones like doing crosswords age faster as these activities are not sufficiently mentally demanding.

For more articles on how photography helps Seniors.

Photograhy Boosts Memory In Seniors

Taking a new hobby

Gift your parents a photography tour:

These amazing tours include classroom training and field training.

You could enroll your parents for photography walks and tours that are conducted in parks, sanctuaries, great landscapes or any other interesting site which would serve as a refreshing change in the mundane life of your parents. Your parents would gather important tips on photography while socializing at the same time.

One may also hire a professional DSLR camera at a nominal fee in some of these courses.




Subscribe to photography magazines:

To generate interest you could begin by subscribing magazines on photography for your loved ones.

For books on photography for seniors

Photography for seniors in easy steps

Dummies : Photography for seniors

For photography magazines

Better photography

Smart photography


With plenty of leisure time in their hands, seniors start considering taking up new hobbies or indulging in their favorite activity. Introducing your folks to DSLR photography is a great way to keep them engaged intellectually, that too in a fun way.

This hobby will encourage them to travel more, and be active. To evoke interest in photography, gift them a subscription to photography magazines . This will definitely serve as a great retirement gift to your parents.

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